You know what? Sometimes it really just do be like that you know? I wish sometimes it wouldn't be like that but at times you just have to sit down and accept that it do be like that. You know? The cookie just gotta crumble like that! Nothing you can do about it except that the meat just gets tenderized like this and you just have to sit and watch. Then you gotta bread the meat and then you just gotta deep fry it. Nothing you can do about it. Just saying. We are all worthless beings that must accept the entropy of the world because the stew just boils the way it boils and the bread just toasts the way it toasts. You just gotta really just SIT DOWN and think to yourself, what are we doing? Why do we just let it be like that? What are WE doing to change it? What can YOU do to not make it be like that anymore? Hm? Just saying. Sometimes maybe it doesn't do be like that.